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here you will find a glossary of terms,
sources, and research development 
that influence and inform this
process // work.....

writings: Exhibitions

glossary of terms

names, meanings, symbols, codes, entry points


expanding, collapsing, compressing, {internal, external} [transitional]


“transitive verb: to treat with a scientific approach the attempt to scientize reality, to name it and classify it”, observation, experiment, study 


excessively stimulate, enhance the senses

space and time retwisted 


to make product available for mass production 


a person who uses product or services for personal use


ingest, intake, absorb


a space, usually outdoors, that has a constructed structure to interact with.  


adapt use for a different purpose


“message composition” “message encoding”


complex to digest- understand easily 


“a network of lines” 

Virtual grid

mesh, malleable, platform


a platform that launches something, or sets something in motion

Trampoline cloud

a trampoline is a round platform assembled with springs attached to the outer metal ring lifted up by metal legs which launches a person into the air when the person presses down. A cloud is a “visible mass of condensed water floating in the atmosphere.” 

A cloud with trampoline qualities is a cloud that consists of bouncy buoyancy and can launch a piece of mass; this is a modality that has been implemented into the practice of this process in relation to the body.


avant-garde movement in art and literature in the 20th century, “which sought to release the creative potential of the unconscious mind”

“irrational juxtaposition of images” 

juxtaposition of composition, combinations 


inner, inside, inner parts, inside source


outer surface, outer structure, outer, coming from a source outside 


pliable, ever changing, can be influenced and moved by other forces in contact and interaction


physical structure, a structure that holds energy, electricity, bones, flesh, organs, self, soul


manifest, personify, “to give a tangible or visible form” to be an expression of, to become


alive, “having objective reality…”, entity, being


being seen, being able to be seen.  

Subjective perceptions, pre-conceived perceptions.

Seen, felt, heard, listened to 


a relationship involving one or more variables, an operation that performs a task or activity


covering, thickness, … on a surface, of a surface, in relationship to a surface 


“a horizontal plane or line with respect to the distance above or below a given point”

A position, a scale of…


not written in any key or mode, in musical terms


moving the air, oscillation of fluid or solid with equilibrium distributed, or of electromagnetic wave


“when a sound hits a hard surface and reflects back to the listener at varying times and amplitudes” 


musical punctuation 

Body cadence

punctuation in the pressure of body movement 

Science Fiction

imaginative and future concepts - technological, social, environmental advancement, parallel universe, space and time travel

writings: Text


sources in conversation

writings: List


Mika Rottenberg 

– “What is the Connection?” 

– “Social Surrealism” 

Alex Da Corte- “Dancing Around Delusion” 

Jacolby Satterwhite- 

How Not to be Seen – A Fucking Didactic Educational-

Hito Steyerl 

Salvador Dali-;id=1652;type=101 

Pipilotti Rist – Pixel Forest- 

Robert Smithson- 

The Utopian Body by Michael Foucault

Subculture - the meaning of style by Dick Hebdige

Ghost of by Diana Koi Nguyen

Ella's research 


writings: List

I am curious about and questioning language and communication, what is deemed to be digestible and understood as the best way to try and know someone, or to connect. I am questioning the vastness of language and communication, and how there are multiple, various modes in which something is being communicated, in which something is trying to be expressed, yet is not being noticed or witnessed.  Within the internal and external in relationship to consumerism and language and communication, I am further examining manipulation; Mass media and advertisement produces symbols and concepts that grab the societal eye with easily digestible language and communication within the systems of manipulation, capitalism, and consumerism.

I want to disrupt symbols and codes in place. 
I want to imagine and manifest a perception and expression of a world where the unconscious, free flowing self can spill and spread and unleash. 
I want to unmake sense.
I want to question systems in place in everyday consumerist life by disrupting and reassembling these systems.
I want to go where I am. 
I want to go to the places I have always lived in.

writings: Text

In conversation with my questions of language and visibility, I am looking to the video project, How Not to Be Seen | A Fucking Didactic Educational (see citations list).  What interests me is the point made in the video that, “Resolution determines visibility.” “It calibrates the world as a picture.”  I have been drawn towards zooming into fragments of landscapes, captured from the perspective of being on a plane, within the vastness of space.  I have been drawn towards grid patterns, lines, and levels that are drawn and that imprint into the vastness of space.  Within this space for me becomes a digital, virtual like space that can be bent, mushed, and zoomed in and in and in, getting deeper and deeper into the multifaceted meat of the material, and of what could become visible.  I am curious of and am playing with the vastness of space, and content that can be created into space, or content that can be zoomed into space.

writings: Text

I am intrigued by how colors can textualize and communicate a feeling, a statement, a way to connect with language and emotion.  The fabrics communicate, contain and consume.

I’m interested in the multiple layers of the body and self and space, such as clothing over skin over fascia over muscles over guts over veins over deeper and deeper layers that are all simultaneously here, and how these functions and layers relate, converse, express, and reveal.

what if I told you you cannot define anything?

are you here?  where are you?  where do you want to be?  

you can be where you want to be...

forget about your face.....

feel the tips of your fingers 

writings: Text

where [[[process]]]

This process lives in the multiple, in the chaotically organized, practices of play and in-the-moment disruption of in-the-motions routine programming, tapping into the inner child, the rage and surrendering, the improvising. 

Practices//Processes include 


responding to and embodying layered codes of soundscapes, 

creating space around and of the body,

exploring how clothes affect the skin and layers within,

transferring the pressure of the feet soles touching the floor to the entire body touching space,

juxtaposition of textures,

floor imprint,

trampoline cloud modality,

rhythm echo,

internal rhythm,

space hold body parts,

launch pad weight element,

mapping and building momentum of multiple dimensions,

and omnipresence.  

This work is drawn to contraptions that the body can play on, merge with, and test; a park, architectural industrial buildings, rooftops of parking garages, stairs, skateparks//.  This process formulates a community project, a gathering, a party.

This process is not always planned, but sometimes formulates and happens in the moment, in real time and unobserved time, in real life and unobserved life, which creates a gathering of community, of collective individuality, of togetherness within change, difference, and simultaneous presence. 

writings: Text

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